Power BI Projects

Business 360 - Brick & Motor and Ecommerce ~ Power BI , SQL , DAX Studio

• Designed a multi-view dashboard in Power BI for 5 departments (sales, finance, supply chain, executive and marketing) of AtliQ hardware to understand sales trends and facilitate data-driven decisions, which aimed to scale the business processes by 10%.
• Imported 2 different data sources (MySQL and Excel) with more than 1 million records and performed data modeling.

Sales Insights - Brick & motor business ~ Power BI , SQL

• Designed a Power BI dashboard to understand AtliQ hardware goods sales trend.
• The final dashboard was effective at displaying the sales trend of AtliQ hardware, allowing users to understand the data and make informed decisions.
• This dashboard could help in increasing the revenue at least by 7% in the next quarter.

HR Data analytics - HR Domain ~ Power BI, Excel

• Designed a Power BI dashboard to track employee data for the HR team, including working hours, attendance, performance, and leaves. The dashboard streamlined HR processes and increased efficiency.
• It analyze sick leave trends and performance metrics of employees
• This Dashboard can save 3-4hrs of work for the HR daily

Revenue Insights In Hospitality Domain ~ Power BI, DAX

• Atliq Grands noticed a loss in their market share and revenue over a few months. To understand the cause of this loss, they needed a way to analyze this. I created a dashboard in Power BI using three months of data.
• With the created dashboard, Revenue team of Atliq Grands were able to gain insights about their revenue trend. This could help in regaining their revenue and market share by 20% in the next month.

Maven Market Sales Report ~ Power BI, DAX

• I worked through the entire business intelligence workflow: connecting and shaping the source data, building a relational model, adding calculated columns and measures, and designing an interactive report.
• It tracks KPIs (sales, revenue, profit, returns), and compares regional performance.
• It shows revenue trends, location wise sales and return trends in Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Sales Data Analysis Report ~ Power BI, DAX

• Designed the interactive report to analyze and visualize sales data using Power BI, DAX measures and also build a relational data model.
• It tracks KPIs (sales, revenue, profit, returns), and compares regional performance.
• It analyze product level trends and forecasts sales and profits of a product.
• It identifies high value customers and their demographics and psychographics.